Scroll’s zkRollup Meets an Optimistic Bridge: First ZK Network Supported by Pheasant

Pheasant Network
Pheasant Network
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2023


Connecting Ethereum and the ZK World via an Optimistic Bridge

Hello L2 enthusiasts out there!

It’s been a while since we last spoke, but we’ve been hard at work. Today, we’re excited to announce that Pheasant Network is now live on Scroll, a cutting-edge zkEVM-based rollup. With this integration, users can easily move assets between Ethereum and the ZK-based L2 network.

This is a major milestone for us, as it marks the first zkRollup connected to Pheasant Network. However, it’s worth noting that Scroll is still in the Alpha testnet stage and is currently only available on Goerli, one of Ethereum’s test networks. Therefore, our bridge also exists on the test network and requires users to hold Goerli ETH to cover bridge transaction fees.

If you’re ready to try out our bridge integrated with Scroll, just remember to switch to the testnet by clicking the top-right network selection tab.

What is Scroll?

Scroll is a Layer 2 project that is developing a ZK-based rollup fully compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), an environment where smart contracts are executed. Being compatible with the EVM offers numerous benefits, particularly for developers, such as the ability to reuse existing resources used for Ethereum dapps and take advantage of network effects. However, integrating the EVM into a zkRollup is a complex task due to the intricacies of ZK-proofs, which are the cornerstone of ZK networks.

Having a zkRollup that can natively support the EVM is like the holy grail of Layer 2 networks. It offers low-cost, fast, and secure transactions, as well as higher privacy and ease of implementation. This is a highly anticipated solution that many projects are working on, and Scroll is at the forefront of this race.

Although Scroll is currently in the testnet phase with limited participation, it has already attracted over 50 dapps, including big names in the industry like Aave, Sushi, Ankr and more. As development progresses towards the mainnet launch, it is expected that more products and users will join the network.

What’s Next for Pheasant Users?

With the integration of Scroll, Pheasant users can now enjoy seamless transfers to and from the innovative ZK network without worrying about losing a significant portion of their funds on bridging gas fees. But that’s not all! We have some exciting news on the horizon that we can’t wait to share.

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments by subscribing to our Medium blog, joining real conversations with our developers on Discord, and following us on Twitter! Stay tuned!

About Optimistic Bridges

Optimistic bridges, inspired by the design of optimistic rollups, allow users to transfer tokens from one chain to another in an “optimistic” manner. Optimistic transfers mean that the protocol does not require Ethereum to verify all of the bridge transactions but checks only fraudulent-looking ones. This mechanism is similar to how optimistic rollups work, where the protocol approves all transactions executed on Layer 2 by default and triggers the verification process on the Layer 1 level only when something suspicious is found. This structure leads to a drastic cut in gas fees and a higher degree of decentralization, enhancing the scalability and interoperability of the Ethereum ecosystem.

About Pheasant Network

Pheasant Network is an optimistic bridge network inspired by the idea of optimistic rollups. We aim to bring the concept to bridge architecture to address Ethereum’s interoperability challenges as well as scalability issues. Our robust security system and cost-effective design enable cheaper and faster asset transfers between Ethereum and Layer 2 networks while ensuring security and decentralization. We believe that optimistic solutions are the answer to future bridge development.

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